Multi-omic Network Atlas

MoNA leverages in-silico methods in our transomics platform to map the biomolecular behaviour of cells with its experimental ambient conditions.

Enhance your bioinnovation cycles.

To achieve high precision biomolecular decision-making, MoNA is designed for biotechnologists and molecular biologists to help them reduce the uncertainty and risk during wet-lab assay design, execution and interpretation.

Your biology’s team ally, closing the loop from in-silico to wet-lab.


Research and development.

Unlock advanced target discovery, biomarker recommendation capabilities and decode stem cell differentiation processes.

Therapies and in-vitro pre-clinical trials.

Accelerate medical validation by managing perturbation analysis data, biomolecule prioritization, cell state simulation, and in vitro assay optimization.

Scaling and biomanufacturing.

Model your multi-omic organism under different environmental conditions for useful and predictive simulations.

Key features.

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    AI Cell Simulation.

    • Predict cellular states & optimize assays with generative artificial intelligence.
    • Discover in-silico novel biomarkers and targets with multiomic perturbation analysis.
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    Recommender system for environmental & operation parameters.

    • Define the best ambient conditions based on expected metabolic performance
    • Get the expected omic expression profile based on input settings
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    Multiomic analysis.

    • Differential expression | RNA & Protein levels comparison.
    • Gene set / Ontology term Enrichment.
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    Integrated Assay Management.

    • Upload & Administrate multi-modal experimental information.
    • Design your assay taking into account multi-omic expression profiles.
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    Knowledge graphs networks.

    • Visualization of molecular interactions.
    • Modeling of biological pathways.
    • Interpretable system biology.

Work with us in a co-development partnership.

Get a demo

Experience MoNA’s potential firsthand with a personalized demo of our transomics platform. Our team will walk you through the features and capabilities allowing to understand how our platform can align with your goals.

Enter into a co-development agreement.

Let’s formalize our collaboration with our co-development model, allowing you to leverage our platform while we refine it based on your valuable feedback.

Constant support from our experienced team.

Throughout the partnership, you will have access to our team for ongoing support and guidance. Whether you have questions, need assistance, or want to provide feedback, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Optimize your entire biomanufacturing workflow.

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    Advanced manufacturing solutions for automatized, continuous & improved biologics & cell therapies production.

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    End-to-end solutions to support cell line development for clinical or commercial manufacturing.


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